A Day in the Life of 7 Highly Successful Women

What if we just stopped talking about “having it all” and started focusing simply on being content with our choices as a woman? Whether you choose to focus more on career, family, or relationships at a particular time, the beauty is you have the choice. As these seven women demonstrate, it’s less about “balance” and more about making choices that allow you to feel successful in your career and fulfilled in your personal life — and there’s no one way to do it. For some of these women, it means blurring the lines between their personal and professional lives. For others, it means building regular family activities into the weekly schedule outside of work like daily dinners together and weekly one-on-one time with spouses and each child. For some, sleep is less of a priority. For others, “wind-down time” is actually built into the schedule.

While their lives may seem exceptional, each of the successful women profiled here have designed lives that work for them. These highly accomplished women — all mothers, wives and mega-successful entrepreneurs — have selected their own paths and are creating their own rules for mastering work, marriage and parenthood.

Check out the full piece on DailyWorth.com to learn from Rosie Pope, Tory Johnson, Michelle Visser Pergament, the CEO of Burt’s Bees Baby and many others.

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