Be Weird. Make Money.
Growing up in Massachusetts, in a predominantly Irish Catholic neighborhood, I was constantly reminded of the fact that I was different. My parents were Iranian immigrants. We spoke a foreign language and my name was Farnoosh. Not Julie or Nicole or Stacy.
If only I had blonde hair and blue eyes.
If only my parents didn’t have thick accents.
If only I had a different name like Julie, Nicole or Stacy.
I wished things were different… so that I could be the same.
As adults, the fact is that we sometimes have the same desires we had as children: to assimilate, and maybe even be invisible at times. After all, it’s human instinct to want to “follow the herd.” In ancient times, assimilating meant survival.
But if you want to lead a rich and meaningful life, it pays to be different. It pays to be authentic… and even weird.
In the words of Chris Brogan, my special guest today on So Money, “The stranger I became, the weirder I became, the more money I made. The more true I was to who I really was…and the more I started making money.”
Chris is The New York Times bestselling author of 8 books, including The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth, and Just Start Here. He is an expert in leadership development who works with individuals and well-known brands like Disney, Coke and Google.
In our conversation we explore exactly how being yourself can lead to a richer life. Chris also shares a habit that helps keep his financial health in check and how to – once and for all – accomplish goals.
Click here to listen and read the full transcript
– Farnoosh
P.S. So Money has hit a major milestone today – over 100,000 downloads in just six short weeks! I couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you enjoy the show and want to support it, please leave a review here on iTunes. And let me know when you do by emailing me here. Each week I pick one new reviewer to receive a 15-minute private money session with me!