My latest gig with Johnny Depp.

Imagine earning $650 million over a stretch of ten, twelve years.

What would you do with all that cash?

If you’re Johnny Depp, you’d apparently LIVE👏🏼 IT👏🏼 UP👏🏼

The man owns 14 houses, 45 cars, and a 40-person personal staff. And spends $30,000 a month on wine. WINE!

I mean…who wouldn’t, right?

Welp, Johnny is now BROKE. And seems to be very confused about the matter.

He’s, in fact, suing his longtime business managers for mismanaging his money, fraud and negligence.

But I’ve read some of the court documents and it appears Depp was warned over the years about his depleting bank account.

I’ve dug into Johnny’s financials (as far as reports have shown), as part of my new gig as the financial correspondent for DailyMail TV. (yay!)

Excited to announce this latest TV partnership. You can watch the clip here, as I get forensic on Johnny’s financials.

(For the record, I’ve been crushing on Johnny Depp since his 21 Jump Street days. I’m rooting for him to get back in the black. Maybe some boxed wine for starters?)

What would be your advice for Jack Sparrow?

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