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Learn how to earn a free subscription to the personal finance magazine.
I have and always will understand why some parents choose not to work. But I continue to believe that it’s just not something I will ever choose for myself.
This week I’m heading to New Orleans for the 3rd annual Financial Bloggers Conference (aka FinCon) and honored to give a keynote presentation on how to build your brand, business and blog with a great book.
The media tour for When She Makes More continues. I recently stopped by Bloomberg News to discuss female breadwinners, the gender pay gap and stay at home dads with the one and only Barbara Corcoran.
Young, single women in this country are, on average, out-earning and outlearning their male counterparts. Why is that?
Stopped by one of my favorite shows, Morning Joe on MSNBC, to discuss my “Rules for the Women Who Bring Home the Bread,” as they titled the segment.
Let’s start supporting female breadwinners today and every day! When She Makes More debuts today! First stop: the NBC Today Show! Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
I’m so excited for my new book When She Makes More coming out on May 1st. If you’ve already pre ordered your copy, thanks! Otherwise take a moment to pre-order your copy now and be entered for a chance to win some cool prizes, including a VIP tour of The Today Show! While you’re waiting […]
Writing When She Makes More has given me the incredible opportunity to learn from so many relationship experts. I wanted to share some of these experts with you, whose work I follow and highly recommend.
Yahoo!Finance covers When She Makes More: 10 Rules for Breadwinning Women, featuring an article by me and a video featuring some confessions of real breadwinning women.