Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why Renting is Better

You’ve heard the expression countless times: Paying rent is like flushing money down the toilet. I get it. There are strong reasons for purchasing a home. But lately, the case for renting has been strengthening. If you need more convincing, I offer some additional talking points.

Donny Wahlberg and Deepak Chopra: My month in review

If you’ve been keeping up with me on the podcast and Instagram, you may have heard/seen some of the craziness that is my life. In case not, here is a sampling of my work and play in the last month. I must say, while the entrepreneur life comes with its own set of doubts and risks, I wholly enjoy the many, many extraordinary opportunities I get to experience.

CBS This Morning: Why are consumers hoarding their cash?

With rising employment, more Americans are earning a steady paycheck, but much of that money is going both unspent and not invested — leaving banks brimming with cash. I stopped by “CBS This Morning: Saturday” to discuss the trend and some ways people can invest that extra money.

What Does Financial Freedom Mean to You?

This Independence Day, as with each 4th of July, I’m reminded of the great leap of faith my parents took more than 37 years ago when they bought one-way tickets to the United States. I reflect on what “financial freedom” means to me and what I uncovered connecting with others around the globe.

Mint Money Audit 6 Month Check-In: Was Ken Able to Attack His Student Loans?

Back in December, I had the opportunity to review Ken’s financial profile. He’s an airline pilot who earns about $100,000 a year. At 36 years old, his main financial gripe is that he’s tired of carrying around his $45,000 student loan debt. (Can you blame him?) I followed up with him to see how he’s doing six months after we last connected.

An Evening with #GirlBosses: 5 Impolite Money Rules

Earlier this month I had a major #fangirl moment when I teamed up with New York Times bestselling author and Girlboss founder Sophia Amoruso to share in a very special money event. In partnership with Mint, Sophia and I hosted a panel of four trailblazing entrepreneurs to have an “impolite” conversation about money. If you missed the event, I’m sharing my 5 favorite money rules we discussed.

#AskFarnoosh: Negotiating Debt Payments

Debt got you down? Overextended borrowers that don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel may be relieved to know that they can negotiate to pay a fraction of what they owe to creditors. It’s called debt settlement. But the process comes with caveats. What you need to know first and how to negotiate debt payments in my latest Mint blog post.

Can I Afford It? Big Toys Edition

Sunday was National Splurge Day. For me, that means opting for Lyft as opposed to the subway but for others that means splurging for a vacation home, sports car or even a boat. In my latest Mint blog post I break down what you need to know first before springing for one of these luxury items.