Category Archives: Uncategorized

SoMoney Featured as New & Noteworthy

Excited to say my new podcast SO MONEY has made it to the New and Noteworthy charts on iTunes. This means that for the next 8 weeks iTunes will feature the podcast prominently in its podcast store.

Save $2,015 in 2015

With incomes remaining pretty much flat and basics expenses from health care to cell phones on the rise, saving money is a TOP New Year’s resolution. I’ve calculated simple ways to give your budget more breathing room – in many cases by just tapping into your smart phone. And in the spirit of the New Year, the total savings add up to the tune of $2,015. Huzzah!

Help Me Beat Suze Orman

The team at has generously included me as a finalist in its fourth annual “Best Personal Finance Expert” competition. I’m in the company of some highly accomplished and famous financial pros from Dave Ramsey to Warren Buffet to Suze Orman.

Lost Your Wallet? Take These 7 Steps Now

I knew I should have carried my wallet in a purse that night. Instead, I fashionably tucked it under my arm and headed to the local wine bar with my husband. Two pinot noirs later I reached over to pay the bill only to realize that my wallet — which I thought I’d rested on the bar top — had vanished. Was it stolen? Did it fall on the ground somewhere? Hold on. Did I even bring my wallet? (The wine wasn’t helping.)